terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2011


Well, i love the mirror edge game and the mains chars of this game!
Faith is amazing to do parkour and freerunning on Gta SA but what if we could have a new model from faith? Woudl That be cool? I think so, That's why i'm working on it!
I'm putting a lot of work on this hack,it's almost perfect only need to edit the hair a little bit.


What do you guys think?

5 comentários:

  1. Fantastic!! It reminded me of Star Wars The Force Unleashed, where you had different outfits for the character. It looks great! I never played mirror's edge, is that Trishka chick a character from that game too?

  2. @cristianfrey24
    xD thanks dude!You should play ME, it's amazing!
    But Trishka is from Bullet storm,it's a great game too!

  3. Thanks! I'll try to get to play them :)

  4. Wow this is really nice, hot too lol.
