sábado, 1 de outubro de 2011

[REL]Metal Gear Solid 4 PMC Soldier Pack

Hey yo guys!!
i've made it some time ago but i forgot to release it.
I fixed some bugs and they're totally ready now!!!
There're 6 soldiers on the pack(they use the same TXD file) and i'll post more 6 later!
I put a lot of work on this pack so if you like it leave a comment!!

Soldier 1

Soldier 2

Soldier 3

Soldier 4

Soldier 5

Soldier 6



12 comentários:

  1. Hi Thanks for the great wrestlers. I've been wanting them to do well so well I could not take place. I would like to ask you a favor Diego. please convert Haggar and Hulk from Marvel vs capcom 3. Haggar desirable

  2. awesome skins men!!! please make dragon ball skins !!sorry 4 my bad english

  3. Others Awesome Skins...
    Watch this CesarJr. steals the mods to put in your trash blog but = we all know that you are the original men

  4. No shit...!!! man... this... is AWESOME... please tell me that you have Old Snake and company... well you know maybe its time to see Otacon in the line of fire...!!! thanks for these mate... just great..!!

  5. @salamhan @the_rocus36 @mc.Rammzer @Teddy
    Thanks all of you guys!! keep an eye here to more updates ;)

  6. The skins do not work, is damaged, please fix them, I love them occupy >.<

  7. amigo me podrias hacer unas buenas armas porfa

  8. amigo falta en casi todos el archivo txd ayuda porfa
