domingo, 25 de dezembro de 2011


Hey yo guys.
I'm goind on vacation for around 1 month so i won't post mods untill i come back. I'll enjoy beach, my girlfriend,disconnect from the web and enjoy my free time before return to college.
It was so cool to work on my blog this year,I never imagined it would go this far with more than 270.000 views, when i started this blog!Thank you all who keep coming here, givin ideas, sending models to convert. Thanks you all, Gracias, Obrigado, Grazie e спасибо!!
I won't be here so Happy new year for you all.Good things on the next year!!!
I'll see you in one month!!!
see ya!!

6 comentários:

  1. que onda diego , me gustaria intercambiar baner's que tu me linkeas atu blog y yo al mio que te parece .... avisa cuando linkeas para yo acer lo mismo .

  2. Blz Diego, boa viagem ai, aproveita ai bem muito que voce merece hehe e um otimo Ano Novo ai e até més que vem =D

  3. Good bye Diego, I hope you enjoy your free time so much, happy new year. You were one of the reasons that make me made my blog and that's cool so i really hope you come back sure too much people will waiting for you and your mods too :)


  4. Happy new year. Enjoy your free time. We are waiting for you till you get back.

  5. hola diego me gustaria intercambiar banners ya que me gustan tus mods y he descargado algunos de ellos puedes ver mi blog

  6. thanks you all guys. ^^
    Nice to be back and see you all around here ^^
