quinta-feira, 19 de abril de 2012

[REL]Def Jam Fight For New York Fat Joe ( Celebrating 500.000 views)

Hey guys!
My blog just passed from the 500k views mark!! Thank you all who keep visiting my blog!!!
To celebrate it, here is Fat Joe from Def Jam Fight for New York.


Credits: Tosyk For ripping and fixing the models
Fixer for helping me and send me awesome models too
Me(diego4fun,diegoforfun,etc) for converting them to SA

5 comentários:

  1. hey I am visitor number 500.000. Where is my iPod?

    just kidding.
    Congratulations Diego!

  2. congratulations!!!!!and i hope you have many more!!!!!!

  3. diego congratulations. I'm very happy for you. have to thank you for your excellent work. you're still number one!! good luck in the future :)))))

  4. Nice job man! you can transform the Percy skin of GTA Vice City?? The guitar player of Love Fist band!

  5. Really nice work. In the future, could you make Ludacris from Def Jam: Fight For NY?
