sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012

[REL]Max Payne 3 Max In Hawaiian Tshirt

Hey guys
Here's Max from MP3, wearing that gringo outfit(Hawaiin shirt)

Credits: Me (Diego4fun for converting it )
Fixer and Solidcal for ripping it.

8 comentários:

  1. hello,it's ac.amir

    I am very happy that you converted my max payne 3 mod to gta sa.
    I am opposed to proprietary mods by some authors.
    I hope to have more cooperation in future.

  2. Excellent Mod Friend, Thanck You Very Much!

  3. hey friend sorry to bother you, but by chance you will have the skin of Alex Mason for the GTA? Someone here or open it reached to download?, thank you very much beforehand your skins and mods are fucking great: D

  4. hey amigo desculpe incomodá-lo, mas por acaso você vai ter a pele de Alex Mason para o GTA? ? alguém aqui ou abri-lo alcançado para baixar, muito obrigado de antemão suas peles e mods são muito foda: D (se você não me entender em Inglês xD)

  5. @amir
    hey bro.
    Thanks a lot, i'm really glad to see you guys enjoyin' my mods!
    I'll post more models from MP3 soon xD

    You' re welcome my friend and i'm glad you enjoy my mods!
    I made a version of Mason soldier but mediafire took it down.
    I'll try to reupload it today later.
    Ah, e irado que você fala português tambmém, so vi agora que o outro comentrário era seu tbm heheheheh
    grande abraço (Y)

    1. Thanck you very much bro, I Download this Thancks for your skins creation!

  6. Thanck's I Download This Thanck's Bro!

  7. Excellent, now i can die in peace.
    Can you convert his old-school leather jacket and his grey suit?
