domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012

[REL]Devil May Cry 4 Angelo Credo ( I'm back!!!!!!)

Hey yo guys!
Everthing is working fine with the new host, so i'm back to the mod scene!!!!
To back with style, here it's! Angelo Credo from DMC4!
You'll find inside the pack: Angelo Credo Normal (v1),No wings(v3) and a custom one made by myself with 2 wings(v2) 





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2 comentários:

  1. hey man when you gonna upload bad girl punk from no more heroes you told me tomorrow like 3 weeks ago im still waiting :(. hope you upload her soon.

  2. @ryan
    hey man.
    Sorry for the delay but i decided to finished the fnp 16, to inlcude here there.It's almost done.
    I think untill weekend i got everthing done and post it here.
