segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2012

[WIP]007 Legends models on the way!!

I'll release a megapack soon!!
Thanks to my friend Fixer, for those awesome models!!

18 comentários:

  1. Oh my god! i love you diego! !!! ^^

  2. When?? I'm wating for your models!
    I'm your fan!

  3. @sweet
    thank you man! I'm glad you enjoy my mods.
    I don't have a specific date yet, cause i'm still workin on the others models from 007 to pack all of them together.
    BUt i think i'll get them done for the next week.

    @german cerda lorca
    I'm still workin' on the pack bro but dont worry i'll post it as soon as i finished .

    @michael western
    It'll be up soon brother just need to finish more models that it's done.^^

  4. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  5. Hello i you could get the peds of cry of fear? please.i love your mods sos very good!

  6. aew brother vc esta de parabens pelo seu trabalho com essa skin parabens msm ,e logo no meu super heroi de infancia por favor coloca pra download

  7. wow you are fenomenale...but i prefere female juliet's,she was great

  8. James bond is still cool and I want to see the Skyfall... once I find it on the torrents:D. I don't like cams.

  9. WOw~!!! Good Work!!
    Have u ever think about make for gta4?
    If u can make, or If u want please make that 007 skins for GTA4 Please...

  10. Love your mods m8,just want to ask you,are you thinking of making models from black ops 2 like raul menendez ( would love to see this model for SA ) xDDD

  11. @paty santos
    Eu acho que tenho o model da rebecca ainda no meu pc! Vou coloca-la na lista de projetos xD

    @adrian lopez
    Thank you man =D about your request i dont have any model from cry of fear, but i'll see if i can find some around on the web.

    Valeuzao meu camarada fico feliz que tenha curtido!
    Vou tenta terminar o pack ainda essa semana, é que tem mais models do jogo xD

    @cattif gamin
    Tahnk you man! glad yo like it! I'll post more females this week!

    @gheciu dragos
    I'll watch it too, for sure! Seems to be an amazing movie!!

    Thank you man!
    Unfortunately i don't have plans to convert them to GTA4.I don't have it installed here but if you find someone who wanna give it a try, i can share the models.

    @jasmina radovanovic
    Thank you!I'm glad you like!
    Oh about BO2 models, i'll conver them soon! \o/

  12. Thanks for answering m8!
    Keep up the good job ;)

  13. Cant wait !! When you gonna release it?

  14. please make it quick, please please, i cant wait @.@

  15. Oh, by the way, Diego, can you also put Gustav Graves' head on the Bond tuxedo body? I think I'll love to see Graves in Bond's suit (as the real actor was auditioned to be Bond previously). But, not with the Gustav graves tuxedo, the Bond tuxedo is what I want. If not, thank you very much anyway.
