sexta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2012

Out for New year!!

Hey guys!
I'll be out 1 or 2 weeks, for the new year holiday!!
I wish you a wonderfull year, i hope you can do what you want, get what you want!!
See ya soon!!

11 comentários:

  1. I want JASON BOURNE model :p please!!!

  2. Raul Menendez 2025 skin donwload

  3. Diego can do liza's Snow Skin with Far Cry 3 here you have the password to download the model is "facepunch"

  4. Hello Diego! Can you make skins of the Call Of Juarez Bound In Blood of Ray, Thomas and Jackson?
    Thanks :)

  5. Aaah, for you too Diego...

    I would love UMVC3 models for this year. please. :)

  6. your best man... Please Black Ops 2 Skin (Mike Harper, David Mason, Raul Menendez and and Alex Mason Old) :)

  7. Não teria como voce fazer um mod de laçar e arrastar as pessoas no gta? sei que é dificil '-'

  8. You're model rocks, do Helena Harper (RE6) normal clothes dood !

  9. @dat super
    GOnna work on that!

    thank you man gonna check it!

    Hey man!
    I'll try to convert her!!!
    Thanks for the link!

    Hey man!
    Unfortunately i dont have the game and neither the models =\

    thank you bro!

    Hey !!
    Sure gonna work on more umvc3 models soon!
    I was about to do that but i forgot hehehhe

    THank you man!
    I'm workin on more bo2 models, i'll release them soon

    Thank you man!
    I dont have her on normal outfit but i'm workin on a nude version xD

    1. Maybe this can help you ?

      But, not against a nude skin :p
