sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2013

[REL]Parasite Eve The 3rd Rebirth: Aya Brea Pack!!!!

Hey guys!
I made a few models from PE a long time ago, so i remade them and rigged more to complete this pack!I made 2 versions, with and without alpha.
The pack contains:

Parasite Eve Aya Brea On Dr Blank Outfit

 Parasite Eve Aya Brea Apron Dress

 Parasite Eve Aya Brea Black Leather

Parasite Eve Aya Brea China Dres

 Parasite Eve Aya Brea Lightning Outfi

 Parasite Eve Aya Brea OD Outfit

 Parasite Eve Aya Brea Titanium Bunny

 Parasite Eve Aya Brea SwimSuit

Parasite Eve Aya Brea White Elder done

I put a lot of work on this pack, so if you like it, leave a comment!

17 comentários:

  1. What's the difference between alpha and no alpha versions?

    1. I think he refers to the aplha channels or something xD

    2. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. @Ignacio
    It's exaclty what @Gheciu said, it's the alpha channels on the textures.
    GTA SA engine doenst "read" Alpha channel very well, i edited the alpha to make them weak because sometimes it looks like a bug.So i made 2 versions, one with and without alpha channel.
    I use them with alpha , cause like i said, i edited them a bit and you almost dont notice that.But some people dont like it. So you choose the what one you gonna use.

  3. Diego whats up can you make 007 legends weapons please.

  4. Helo... Diego! please created model Rodrigo Borgia ( papa alexander VI ) Assassins creed brotherhood? Thanks...

  5. Helo... Diego! can you make the model Rodrigo Borgia ( papa alexander VI ) Assassins creed brotherhood? please

  6. WOW!!! This is what I want, bro! I always appreciate your works! Thank you so much, Diego!

  7. Converte alguns dragoes ou inimigos do skyrim pro gta plz ? *---*

  8. Amigo, gostei muito de todos os teus rips. Tenho uma grande proposta pra você, gostaria que entrasse em contato comigo através do meu e-mail. suke007@live.com é coisa séria, espero o retorno.

  9. do you have a Banner??
    i'll put it into my Blog,
    your Mod is cool!! :D

  10. @homyans
    Unfortunately i can't bro i have only playermodels.

    @marco vercetti
    I dont have that model here bro =\
    But if i find it i'll give it a try.

    @mei arisa
    you' welcome my firend.
    I'm glad you enjoyed it

    @dicas variadas
    eu tenho alguns inimiods aqui convertidos , ainda vou converter mais antes de lançar.
    E tbm to trabalhando num mapa novo xD
    Mas os dragos nao vai da =\ pq eu nao sei convert animaçoes

    valeuzao meu camarada fico feliz que curta meus mods.
    Vou te add la no skype pra ver o que seria o projeto
    grande abraço e fica na paz!


    unfortunately i dont have it bro =\
    thanks a lot, i'm glad you like my mods!

  11. Great work, any chance on making the Business suit aswell?

  12. Diego, can you reupload this mod skin pack pleeaassee..
