terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2013

Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 She Hulk

Hey guys!
I got this model requested for a while, so here she's.
Enjoy it


11 comentários:

  1. Please you an my FRIENDS..........................

  2. Hello again! Can I write in portuguese later? I'm not very good writing in English. I asked for you to make the Ray Maccal, Thomas Maccal and the Mr. Jackson of the Call Of Juarez Bound In Blood, but you answered that you didn't have the game. If do you want, I can send for you the link of the full game. Now I don't need the Ray Maccal, because I found he on the internet, but I didn't find the Thomas and the Mr. Jackson.
    Thanks for attention!

  3. Hello amigo! Very nice works, my fav is Max Payne with Hawaiian Suit without doubt!!

    I have a wish... would it be possible that you create Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver (movie)?

    Is impossible to find!!

    Hope you can help me.

  4. @dicas variadas
    valeuzao meu camarada!

    i have you already in my friends list bro

    @mei arisa
    you're welcome my friend i'm glad you like it

    unfortunately i can't conver it bro cause i dont have coj models here =\
    but if i find them i'll convert for sure1
    see ya

    thank you man i'm glad you like my mods!
    I'll try to get more max3 models soon!
    but i cant do travis because i dont the 3d model =\
    see ya bro

  5. Bom cara, se quiser o download do jogo vai ai:


    Mas se quiser só os modelos 3d eu posso dar uma procurada na pasta dele (já tentei dar uma fuçada nas armas pra converter, mas não consegui nada =/)
    Abração cara!

  6. Os personagens que eu gostaria que você convertesse, se puder são o Thomas Maccal, o Juarez , o Mr. Jackson e se puder, alguns inimigos, em especia o que tem costeletas grandes, acho ele muito legal! Não sei se você foi ao meu blog, mas eu modelo algumas armas, principalmente as do velho oeste, e acharia muito legal ter esses personagens para que eu possa tirar alguns prints dele com as armas.
    Mais uma vez, obrigado pela atenção e um forte abraço!

  7. Link quebrado,tem como consertar?
    sou fan da she hulk, abs

  8. Broken link, is to fix?
    I am fan of she hulk :D
