terça-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2015

[REL]Metal Gear 5 Big Boss

Hey guys!
I'm back just from vacation.Gonna port more models asap.
Here's Big boss from MG5 while i'm getting things done here.


10 comentários:

  1. Nice. But you should change the title to MGS V Ground Zeroes Big Boss with a custom bandana as he doesn't have it in the game anymore since story wise he ditched it in PW. :)

  2. port pagan min from fc4!, that would be great

  3. Muito phoda Brother! :)
    Não sei se ainda se lembra de mim!Hahaha xD!!!Sou o cara que lhe falou daquele mod irado!xD!!
    Depois se puder, ver o que deixei pra vc no skype.
    Vlw por tudo :D

  4. bro, can su do "michael myers" from halloween model for san andreas?, I've loking on all internet and there's no results, you will be the first if you do it

  5. @Solical
    Hello my friend.
    Oh i know about the title but it'd be huge, so i cut a few words xD
    But i didn't know about the bandana. I'll remove it and the eyething too and release as a different version xD

    I don't have that model here dude :\. Sorry!

    Valeuzao meu brother.
    Po lembro sim, eu to um tempo sem entra no skype pq tava viajando , voltei domingo dai to curtindo os blocos aqui já de pré carnaval e devo viajar no feriado também ae depois disso volto a ativa legal \o/

    Oh dude.
    I ported the one from COD Ghost DLC a few weeks ago. If i knew that before.... xD
    Just released it for ya.

  6. Nah no need to delete it. Just the title to "MGS V Ground Zeroes Big Boss custom bandana£ Not too long and get's to the point. :) Plus I think GTAMsrtin has already done the real GZ BB model before you did this one. :)

  7. can you release the no bandana version bro? big thank you althought I dg this one too , I love the varied version of your wotk

  8. Vlw Brother!! :D
    O jogo está ficado muito phoda!!! :)
    E com sua ajuda ainda mais phoda vai ficar!! :D
    Vlw de novo!:D

    So , i'll save it xD I'll change the titlle and release the other version later ^^.
    Dind't know about Martin's release, i was traveling that time, but i have just checked it. It looks really nice. Gonna download it for sure ^^

    Sure dude. I'll release a new version tomorrow ^^
    I'm really glad you like my mods, thanks for your kind words.

    Nada bro ^^ Espero poder ajudar sim \o/
    See ya there.
