quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2015

TUTORIAL: How to resize skins properly

Hello everybody
I got this tutorial asked recently because people can't resize peds/skins properly.
I took a look in everywhere , searching for a tuto when i wanted to resize my models but i didn't find one. So workin' on 3ds max , i discovered this way. If you have another  and easier , share with us.

You need:
-  3ds Max

- Skin/model Rigged

After you got your model done(rigged ,all texturies applied and exported to get workin' ingame) open
3ds Max , run kam script,click on DFF IO, check the "letter a option" and import you skin:
Now that you have your model imported, click on "select by name"

A new window will pop up,with all bones names

 Select your model (Skin_mesh) and all bones except the root one:

Click on "Select and Uniform Scale" and resize your model(to a bigger one or smaller one, is this case i scaled it bigger)

Now,you have your model and all bones (except the root one) rescaled.Keep your model and bones select ,click on "select and move" and move them back on the "Z axis"(the blue one)

Now, you have your model plus all other bones moved back and the root bone on the same default position.Your model is ready to be exported, check "skip col" option and click on "bone/Skin export" and select a name for the model , Bmost for ex and try it in game.

If you want to make a smaller one, you move it foward on the Z axis. How much you'll move it back or foward depends on how much you resize it. Biggar and smaller, more you move it.

11 comentários:

  1. Thanks for the information. I was wondering why do you move it away from the root? Is it because of how it functions in game?

  2. @Johnny B
    You're welcome dude. I hope this tutorial can help people out there :)
    i really don't know why but the root bone seems to control the area where the model will be in game.I made some tests and everytime i move or scale the root bone, the model gets bugge.So if you keep it as default, it works fine but the mesh move without problems, you just need to move it , to get it far or closer to the ground.

    1. Bro where I can contact you .. I have a request please .

  3. haha nice, i was always struggling :v

  4. I think this should be called how to resize skins improperly.
    Why is simple if you resize a child size skin because it was made too big by the modder
    1.- doing what you said will crash the game because the resize wont work.
    2.- doing something a little different to what you said (what i did and worked)
    just changing a step you did and will work the problem will be a floating ped.
    a pic of my resize end result, the ped was kokonoe rin made by sakai but was bigger than CJ.
    Now she has the right size but floating

  5. I tried to do this but no luck,i tried to make the ped from scratch no luck a full of bugs skins.
    Maybe you could try making more child sized skins to be more realistic.
    This was the model i tried to resize i dont remember where i downloaded the skin but have been unable to found where it was a palce with loli skins this is the model on xnalara http://faytrobertson.deviantart.com/art/NG3RE-Canna-Higgins-by-SSPD077-564466422 i tried to make it for gta but it didnt work

  6. man, I am having this problem: the skin that I rescale became down the ground in the game, no matter what I do, I try to do what you tutorial says, Dont change the root but my model is still that way: off the ground, thanks your help, but no way for me

    obs: sorry the bad english

    1. Well, nobody helped but I did, to rescale skins is easy: select all and rescale and then to edit your model's position in the ground just change the ROOT, if you rescale yor model as bigger upper the ROOT, and smaller down the ROOT, and if you want to edit the vehicles you have to change the height in the ground by editind VEHCILES.IDE tires in the last double values, objects is something similar don't know for sure, bye

  7. Can i use all your skin to my gta sa android version ?
    Should i resize it?

    1. Bro I have a request please resize this one dff model I want . It's so tall in the game .

  8. Anyone here please resize this ped skin that I really want .
