quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2016

[REL]Marvel Heroes Angel

Hello everybody
This is another char that i really like from Marvel so i ported it to SA.


8 comentários:

  1. Hey Diego, do you think it's possible to convert this model? Also, can you possibly turn the chat box back on? http://www.mediafire.com/download/if04ecn1yeikpi0/Honoka+Secret+Agent.zip

    by the way, I'm mooshcowzx in the chat

  2. Hello brother finally we have you back between us , i am really glad that you're back :) !!!
    I hope you keep making skins for sa , and i hope you start making mods for the GTA HD Series so nobody gets out from the world of your blog XD

    And about the skin , as always , never better !!!

  3. Traz a skin do kalisto WWE ,por favor

  4. Wow, could you do this skin?




  5. @Ninjagozx1
    Hey dude
    I need to check the file first to see if i'm able to port it. Oh and you don't need to post on 2 differents threads , i see all of them and respond so you just need to comment once :)

    Beleza brother vou da uma olhada. Mas basta postar 1x só que eu vejo :)

    I'm glad to see you around my friend.
    Oh GTA hd series? is that a new game? i was away from web for almost 2 months so i'm lost about new games xD

    Infelizmente eu não tenho esse modelo

    I checked the files and i can't port them unfortunately. They doesn't have bones to make a good pose and since they're not in a t-pose it'd take me forever to fix it.

  6. XD !!!!!
    I mean to say GTA IV and GTA V games ... :)
    In gta.wikia.com they call gta iii/vc/sa : gta iii era , and they call gta iv and v : hd era :)

    I hope i see you making skins for those games too brother :)

  7. vlw brother mais vc n olha só fica vendo os comentários das pessoa pra depois ver meu mais ta de boa
