I'll be release them after those from the poll!
Made some custom models like SSJ kid buu and Mr satan!I made Kid buu has his height thanks to Yuniwii from gta indonesia!
Vegeta SSJ4

Kid Buu SSJ

Kid Buu SSJ2

Pan Kid

Mr Satan SSJ

Mr Satan SSJ3


Raditz SSJ

I'll be out for a fast travel but i'll be back on 2 days!!
Give your suggestions critcism and your comments!!
Marco for send me the models
3d Hobby for rip DBZ BT3 models in t pose
Me(diegoforfun) for making the custom models
woooooooooooooow awesome , i cant wait for the skins
ResponderExcluir:O IT AWWWWWEEEAAAOOOMEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! men is DRAGON BALL AF??!!
ResponderExcluirwowwwwwwwwwwwwwww super very very nice bro
ResponderExcluirthis is superb !
ResponderExcluirmind telling me how did you rip them in that pose ?
rabitz look gread . i whil whit :)
ResponderExcluirxD thanks mate i'll upload them really soon!
thanks bro xD hahah may be some kind of DB AF cause i saw some pics before i made those hacks.
^^thanks a lot man!
@overlord orochi
thanks mate! but unfortunately i cant tell you how to do it, cause i dindn't rip it by myself! I got this pack from a Portguese friend!He found it on some 3d model forum. I'll try to contatct him to see the forum link, to give you and you ask the guy who made it. Cause there's no readme on the pack with the author's name.
XD thanks bro i'll upload him soon!
Oh , alright , thanks !
ResponderExcluirI'll be waiting :D
ResponderExcluirJust talked to my friend, he said that "3d Hobby" ripped them in t-pose.The forum name is darkmatter
but he said this website is offline =\
Meh, that's too bad
ResponderExcluirIf it's not too much to ask, can I have the models in their original format ?
Don't worry, I'm not using them for GTA mods, so it shouldn't "take your customers" away xD
@Overlord orochi
ResponderExcluirreally bad i really want to ask him too somethings about that rippin' process.But i think there's no problem on sending you the files,i'll ask to my friend who sent me. Do you have msn bro?if yo do, leave your email here that'll add you later so we can talk better
I have an MSN Mail , but I've never used MSN Messenger before
ResponderExcluirWhat time do you usually sign in ?
My mail : overlord_1080@hotmail.com
ResponderExcluiradded you there! ^^
i'm on line there around 19:20, 20:00(on Brazil) o' clock usually!
Accepted :D
ResponderExcluir19:20 ? That's like 5:20 am here, which means I'm still in my bed
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
ResponderExcluircan you please make me a skin of trunks and trunks super saiyan (sword)raging blast for gta sa. thanks :)
ResponderExcluirplease raditz link please
ResponderExcluirplease raditz link please
ResponderExcluirraditz link please
ResponderExcluirraditz please
please link
please raditz link
please i need the skin of raditz
ResponderExcluirgmail. deadpool026@gmail.com
what happened with the raditz skin?
ResponderExcluirGREAT!!!! links please :)
ResponderExcluiri nead skin raditz, please
You can make a skin Android 19?